Studia Artistarum (SA)

Études sur la faculté des arts dans les universités médiévales


Started in 1994 by Louis Holtz (IRHT, Paris) and Olga Weijers (the Huygens Institute, Den Haag), the Studia Artistarum series aims at advancing and deepening scholarly research on the role of the Arts studies and the Arts faculties in intellectual history. The series, now directed by Luca Bianchi (Università degli Studi di Milano) and Dominique Poirel (IRHT, Paris), publishes monographs, editions, catalogues and collections of essays devoted to the liberal arts and philosophy. Special attention is given to the reception and interpretation of authoritative course-books (mainly though not exclusively the Aristotelian corpus), the development of different methods of teaching, the evolution of literary genres (commentaries, treatises, handbooks etc.), the interactions between institutional and doctrinal factors that determined the growth of grammar, logic, philosophy and the sciences in Medieval and Renaissance universities.

The series is peer reviewed: all volumes submitted are read by at least two expert referees.


Directeurs honoraires: Louis Holtz (†); Olga Weijers

Sous la direction de: Luca Bianchi; Dominique Poirel

Secrétaire de rédaction: Emmanuelle Kuhry

Comité de rédaction: Henk Braakhuis; Charles Burnett; Dragos Calma; Anne Grondeux; Jean-Pierre Rothschild; Cecilia Trifogli

Detailed information and a list of publications can be found at the Studia Artistarum page on Brepols website.